
Batya just launched her Patreon!

Check out Batya’s Patreon and support her work by becoming a monthly sustainer! Patreon is a platform for artists and creators to share their work with a community of sustainers. You’ll gain access to videos, recordings and content from her creative process, explorations and learnings.



Communal Song & Prayer

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Bring Batya to your community to lead spirited singing, workshops and prayer!

“Batya brings the same depth of character to her musical explorations that she brings to her human interactions. She strikes a nuanced balance between strength and sensitivity, physicality and spirituality, art and activism. Sing with her and enjoy the truly gorgeous music! ”

— Joey Weisenberg | Founder, Creative Director of Hadar's Rising Song Institute


Order Karov & New Merch!


Karov, Batya’s first album of original music, is a collection of songs born of yearning, connection, and prayer. These songs are for falling in tears, drawing close, and dancing with ancestors.


“Batya’s music is energetic, fresh, and has the life of something brand new and exciting, while also being grounded and deeply rooted in the richness of history and tradition. ”

— Eliana Roberts Golding | Jewish Community & Prayer Leader




want to bring batya to your community?

Sing & Learn

want to support batya’s work + art?


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